
Go M.A.D. Mobile

Imagine your workforce engaging with your content anywhere, anyplace, anytime, on any device!

Custom Content

Any content type: video, audio, text, assessments and quizzes.

Bitesize Learning

Impactful training modules to increase retention and can easily re-visited.

Gamified Journeys

Track rewards and engage your learners through effective gamification tools.

Powerful Data

Tangible data points to easily capture ROIs or to complete further TNA.

Push Notifications

Personalised push notifications to inform users and to re-engage.

Slick Design

A clean interface which provides a modern look and feel.

Did you know...

Mobile learners complete course material 45% faster than using a desktop computer.

Mobile learning increases engagement by 72% vs. conventional learning.

Retention is increased by 55% as content is broken down into bitesize chunks.

Get your own app in a matter of days

Go M.A.D. Mobile is an effective app designed for organisations to boost training performance and outcomes by simply plugging in your choice of content, it’s really that easy.

To make this happen, our team will work collaboratively with you to understand your needs, wants and dreams to make it a reality, fast!

Utilising our purpose-built infrastructure and user interface, we provide you with a powerful learning canvas to create a bespoke app that is populated with your content and branding.

App IT!

How Does It Work?

Our process has been designed with speed and ease in mind. We make having your own branded learning app simple & accessible, all of the time.


DiscoveryTogether we will:
  • Conduct a needs analysis with your key stakeholders
  • Agree expectations & core functionality
  • Audit your content ready for integration
  • Present the features that will enhance the app
  • Agree upon a costing and timeline


DevelopmentOur team will:
  • Appoint a dedicated account manager and support team
  • Begin content integration
  • Provide you with regular updates
  • Provide you with an initial working app within 4 weeks


DemonstrationTogether we will:
  • Review each element of the app and the functionality
  • Provide you with a demo video and a Beta version
  • Our team will be available to make changes that are needed


DeploymentOur team will:
  • Publish the app onto the relevant play stores
  • Your dedicated account manager will check in with you periodically to ensure the expectations are being met
  • Throughout you will have technical support